Linda Schlein – Volunteer Spotlight

You can find Linda Schlein Thursday mornings behind the desk greeting clients and checking them in for class. Linda, a retired elementary school teacher, has been volunteering since InMotion opened its doors back in 2015. A longtime friend of Amy and Lee Handel, InMotion is a constant reminder to Linda of the wonderful legacy left behind by Lee that is being carried out by Amy.

Linda enjoys watching clients interact, smile and be happy. She is touched by the fact that people with Parkinson’s are given a sense of hope at InMotion, that they feel better after participating in class and foster camaraderie with other participants.

Thank you, Linda, for all that you do!

We are thanking our volunteers for all that they do by dedicating the 2018 Pals In Motion race in their honor. To make a donation in honor of Linda or another volunteer, please click here.

Posted in For Care Partners, For Clients, For Donors, For Referral Partners.
