Thankful Thursday – Carolyn Weimer Ferenchak

The season of giving

The holiday season often calls on us to see others with the deepest appreciation for the gifts they’ve given us. Clients and carepartners often take time to let us know how InMotion has touched their lives.

Today we would like to share with you a #ThankfulThursday story from one of our clients:

“I first heard about InMotion when I was a patient of Dr. Riley. He described it as a place for PWP (People With Parkinson’s) to engage in exercise, which we’ve all heard is vital to maintaining health. He told me that InMotion was new in the area and that it could soon be open for streaming in the privacy of your home. That sounded good to me.

I came for a tour in March 2018. No one said anything about streaming, but I decided to go ahead and give this exercise thing a try. I quickly came to realize that streaming the classes on my computer would leave me isolated. Sharing the “Better Every Day” classes with others has given me the opportunity to make friends that I would have missed out on.

My husband, Ken, says that I smile more while I’m in the exercise class. I also smile more when I’m in the art workshop.

I was diagnosed with PD nearly 20 years ago. I have spent much of that time looking for a support group that feels comfortable to me. I think I found it. Coming to InMotion twice a week has made me feel better. The coaches say I’m doing better. My family says I’m doing better. So I’ll be here as often as I can, and I hope I’ll see you there.”

– Carolyn Weimer Ferenchak   

What is your story?

Do you have a story about InMotion that you would like to share? We would love to hear it! Jot it down on a note card, have another person record it for you, or stop by the office and speak with one of us. You are also welcome to email your story to

Help keep InMotion in motion!

With your help, we can continue to touch the lives of those living with Parkinson’s disease. No gift is too big or too small as we continue our mission to help people with Parkinson’s feel better every day! Click here to make your donation online, or call Nancy at 216.342.4016 or email

Posted in For Care Partners, For Clients, For Donors.
