Better Every Day™ Assessments

Every six months, we ask our clients to participate in physical and quality-of-life assessments. This information ensures that they are on the appropriate path toward success and gives them an opportunity to gauge their progress.

Information from assessments allows our clients to start a constructive conversation with their neurologist/movement disorder specialist and allows them to track their progress.

Assessments allow us to create a personalized program for our clients, focusing on the specific areas that will help them move and feel better. As they participate in classes over the next six months, clients will experience changes in:

  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Gait
  • Mental focus
  • Mobility
  • Posture
  • Power
  • Stability
  • Strength

Using information from client assessments, we have created four levels of ability. The Blue, Orange, and Green color levels are determined using the aggregate score that a client receives on their physical assessment. 

  • The BLUE level is for clients who can work out without limitations.
  • The ORANGE level is for clients who can work out with some limitations. Most clients at this level can get on and off the floor without assistance.
  • The GREEN level is for clients who do not require a chair or walker and can work out without a care partner, but do require more accommodations than clients at the Orange level.
  • The YELLOW level is for clients who require the use of a wheelchair, walker and require a care partner for chair-based programming.

Assessment Research

Since opening our doors in 2015, we have been committed to implementing a rigorous data collection and analysis program using validated measures. InMotion is able to affirm that, in aggregate, clients can have steady or improved physical outcomes with our approach.

As a 100 percent donor-funded organization, aggregate assessment results provide support for our approach and drive our conversations with funders, the key to continuing to offer our programs at no cost to our clients.