‘While obtaining a Masters Degree in Non-Profit Administration at John Carroll University, one of my professors, who had worked with InMotion, Elizabeth Stiles, suggested I do an independent study assisting her in evaluating InMotion for a semester. We soon discovered a major missing piece of InMotion’s curriculum: art.
In January 2016, I started The Art Workshop at InMotion. We’ve been meeting once a week since.
The philosophy of the art sessions is rooted in creating a space of calmness and acceptance, where whatever is created is admired by all. ...
Thankful Thursday – Bob Tucker
“Thankfulness and self-pity cannot coexist at the same time in the same heart. Whichever one is allowed ascendancy displaces the other. As it has been said, ‘You cannot serve two masters. Either you will love the one and hate the other or you will cling to the one and despise the other.’
That’s why at InMotion we people with Parkinson’s constantly encourage each other in thanksgiving. We remind each other that we have a lot going for us. ...
Thankful Thursday – Carolyn Weimer Ferenchak
The season of giving
The holiday season often calls on us to see others with the deepest appreciation for the gifts they’ve given us. Clients and carepartners often take time to let us know how InMotion has touched their lives.
Today we would like to share with you a #ThankfulThursday story from one of our clients:
“I first heard about InMotion when I was a patient of Dr. Riley. He described it as a place for PWP (People With Parkinson’s) to engage in exercise, which we’ve all heard is vital to maintaining health. ...
Thankful Thursday – Dr. Karen Jaffe
The holiday season evokes feelings of gratitude and an appreciation for all of the blessings we are fortunate to have in our lives.
Today we would like to share with you a #ThankfulThursday story from Dr. Karen Jaffe, one of our InMotion founders who is also a client:
“I was diagnosed with PD twelve years ago. One would think that being a physician would have given me a leg up on figuring out what was going on with me, but the truth is, it didn’t. ...
Thankful Thursday – Sister Lucia Haas
What are you thankful for?
There is so much to beauty to enjoy during the holiday season – including those around us who have helped us on our way, bringing us to where we are today.
Many clients have expressed their gratitude for the services provided and the community of support at InMotion. Today we would like to share with you a #ThankfulThursday story from one of our clients here at InMotion:
“I am a Sister of Notre Dame who just moved from Sarasota, Florida where I completed 39 years as president of Cardinal Mooney High School. ...
Natalie Skall – Volunteer Spotlight
Natalie Skall heard about InMotion from Amy and late founder Lee Handel, whom she and her husband Richard are close with, during the conception stages. Her husband, in fact, had known Lee since High School. In addition, she has been a client of founder Ben Rossi for over 10 years.
A retired Medical Technologist, Natalie is “amazed and wonderfully surprised to see the progress that clients have made through exercise and interaction with other clients.” ...
Laura Bennett – Volunteer Spotlight
When you arrive at InMotion on a Wednesday afternoon, you will most likely be greeted by Laura Bennett and Natalie Skall. Both have been volunteering their time at InMotion since the doors opened in March 2015.
Laura, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2014, heard about InMotion at a PD Symposium that she attended with her husband shortly after her diagnosis. As both a client and a volunteer, Laura has a unique perspective of InMotion. ...
Kathy Cohen – Volunteer Spotlight
If you stop by InMotion on a typical Thursday afternoon, you are likely to be greeted by Kathy Cohen’s welcoming smile. Kathy, the daughter of InMotion founder Allan Goldberg, has been volunteering at InMotion for the past two years. A current resident of Moreland Hills, she is a licensed independent social worker currently taking time off to raise her two children.
“My Happy Place” are three words that Kathy uses to describe her volunteer experience at InMotion. ...
Cindy Polster – Volunteer Spotlight
When Cindy Polster brought her uncle to InMotion for a tour, she was hopeful that he would agree to participate in the center’s classes and programs to help him with his Parkinson’s disease. What she didn’t expect was that she herself would also decide that day to become a part of the InMotion community by volunteering.
“Another volunteer at the front desk shared that they were looking for more volunteers, and I decided that InMotion could be a wonderful place for my uncle and a volunteer project that I could feel really good about,” says Cindy. ...
Barbara Schaefer – Volunteer Spotlight
Barbara Schaefer has been volunteering since InMotion opened its doors after attending a Cleveland Heights Parkinson’s Support Group where former Executive Director Lacy Roth spoke and mentioned that when InMotion opened they would be looking for volunteers.
Since coming to InMotion, Barbara says, “I am continually impressed by the caregivers and how kind and supportive they are of those they support. I am also impressed with how helpful and engaged Ben, Dan, and the staff is with clients.” ...