On Demand Classes

Our on-demand class offerings are evidence-based and help improve the symptoms associated with PD. They also closely follow the Parkinson’s Exercise Guidelines developed by the Parkinson’s Foundation and the American College of Sports Medicine.

Our video class offerings include Mindful Movement (yoga), Yes, I Can Move!, Boxing, Tai Chi, Nordic Pole Walking, Boxing, Nordic Pole Walking, and Better Every Day™, our signature exercise program. Taking several of these classes each week will help you reach your goals for aerobic activity, strength, balance, agility, multi-tasking, and flexibility.

After taking an initial assessment, you will be assigned a color level – yellow, green, orange, or blue. Simply use the workout videos below that pertain to your level. Every six months you will take another assessment, to see where you are in your PD journey. We encourage you to take all the classes that you can, in order to gain the most benefit. Exercise is Medicine!

If you have any questions about these workouts, or need help with the exercises, contact Ben Rossi at [email protected].

By clicking any InMotion video link, I understand and agree that:

  • My participation in, the physical fitness and/or wellness programs (“Programs”) administered by InMotion, its employees, and/or its independent contractors (collectively, “InMotion”) via videos is voluntary and may involve potential risk of injury;
  • To avoid potential risk of injury, an examination by a physician should be obtained before beginning a physical fitness and/or wellness program, or before initiating a change in the amount of physical or other exercise performed; and
  • Regardless of whether I have chosen to be examined by a physician before participating in any of the Programs:
    • I accept and assume full responsibility for my own safety and well-being in my participation in the Programs and for any injuries, damages, and losses of any type that may be sustained by me as a result of my participation in the Programs; and
    • InMotion shall not be liable for, and I hereby release InMotion from, any claims, damages, or losses resulting from or arising out of my participation in the Programs.


Select video to watch using the dropdown arrow below: