Prescription for Parkinson’s™ (Rx for PD) Video Series

Welcome to InMotion’s NEW Prescription for Parkinson’s™ (Rx for PD) video series. Each month, you’ll get one Short on Time 10-minute workout, followed by three Quick Moves, each addressing one modality of our Rx for PD™ program (Physical Wellness, Healing Arts, Fit4You).

To receive the Rx for PD™ video directly in your inbox every Monday, subscribe to InMotion emails by clicking here.

Use the drop-down arrow below to see previous Rx for PD™ videos.

By clicking any InMotion video link, I understand and agree that:

  • My participation in, the physical fitness and/or wellness programs (“Programs”) administered by InMotion, its employees, and/or its independent contractors (collectively, “InMotion”) via videos is voluntary and may involve potential risk of injury;
  • To avoid potential risk of injury, an examination by a physician should be obtained before beginning a physical fitness and/or wellness program, or before initiating a change in the amount of physical or other exercise performed; and
  • Regardless of whether I have chosen to be examined by a physician before participating in any of the Programs:
    • I accept and assume full responsibility for my own safety and well-being in my participation in the Programs and for any injuries, damages, and losses of any type that may be sustained by me as a result of my participation in the Programs; and
    • InMotion shall not be liable for, and I hereby release InMotion from, any claims, damages, or losses resulting from or arising out of my participation in the Programs.

To learn more about InMotion, including how to become a client, call 216-342-4417.